80. |
Boris Ter-Avanesov and Homayoon Beigi,
``MLP, XGBoost, TDNN, KAN, and LSTM-GRU Hybrid RNN with Attention for SPX and NDX European Call Option Pricing,''
15th Annual Machine Learning Symposium, October. 18, 2024, New York Academy of Science, New York City, US.
77. |
Mustafa Eyceoz, Justin Lee, Siddharth Pittie, and Homayoon Beigi,
``Robust Open-Set Spoken Language Identifiation and the CU MultiLang Dataset,''
10th Intelligent Systems Conference (IntelliSys 2024),
Amsterdam, Sep. 5-6, 2024.
76. |
J. Song, H. Beigi, A. Davoudi, M.V. McDonald, S. Sridharan, K.H. Bowles, J. Shang, P.W. Stone, and M. Topaz,
``Analyzing Patient-Clinician Communication: How Speech Processing
Predicts Palliative Care Decision,''
Voice AI Symposium, The Bridge2AI-Voice Consortium,
Tampa, Florida, May 1-2, 2024.
75. |
J. Nathaniel Holmes and Homayoon Beigi,
``Counterexamples for the Use of Spectrogram Comparison as a Method of Forensic Speaker Identification,''
Annual Conference of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS),
Denver, Colorado, USA, Feb. 19-24, 2024.
74. |
Xing Yi Liu and Homayoon Beigi,
``Efficient Ensemble for Multimodal Punctuation Restoration using Time-Delay Neural Network,''
IEEE IMCOM (International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Jan. 3-5, 2024.
73. |
Kyle L. Holm and Homayoon Beigi and Raimondo Betti,
``An Exploration of x-Vectors for Damage Detection and Identification,''
Proceedings of the ASME 2021, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2021), Vol. 1: Acoustics, Vibration, and Phononics, Nov. 1-5, 2021, virtual, Online.
72. |
Eleonora M. Tronci and Homayoon Beigi and Maria Q., Feng and Raimondo Betti,
``Transfer Learning form Audio Domains a Valuable Tool for Structural Health Monitoring,''
Proceedings of the 39th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, Feb. 8-11, 2021.
Recipient of the Best Paper Award in the Dynamics of Civil Structures Technical Division
71. |
Kyle L. Holm and Homayoon Beigi and Raimondo Betti,
``Application of Speaker Recognition x-Vectors to Structural Health Monitoring,''
Proceedings of the 39th IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, Feb. 8-11, 2021.
70. |
Amith Ananthram, Kailash Karthik Saravanakumar, Jessica Huynh, and Homayoon Beigi,
``Multi-Modal Emotion Detection with Transfer Learning,''
Natural Language, Dialog and Speech Symposium (NDS2020), Nov. 13, 2020, New York Academy of Science, New York City, USA, Download the related poster here.
69. |
Shivali Goel and Homayoon Beigi,
``Cross-Lingual Cross-Corpus Speech Emotion Recognition,''
14th Annual Machine Learning Symposium, March. 13, 2020, New York Academy of Science, New York City, USA, arXiv paper, poster.
68. |
Bryan Li, Xinyue Wang, and Homayoon Beigi,
``Automatic Speech Recognition of Cantonese using Transfer Learning from Mandarin,''
Natural Language, Dialog and Speech (NDS) Symposium, Nov. 22, 2019, New York Academy of Science, New York City, USA, ArXiv.1911.09271, https://arxiv.org/pdf/1911.09271.
66. |
David Williams-King, Yanbei Pang, Avijit Shah and Homayoon Beigi,
``Training a Custom Speech System for Coding by Voice,''
The 20th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ASSETS18), Galway, Ireland, Oct. 22-24, 2018.
65. |
Sidhi Adkoli and Homayoon Beigi,
``Spoken Language Identification using a Combined Language Model,''
The 12th Annual Machine Learning Symposium, Mar. 9, 2018, New York Academy of Science, New York City, USA.
64. |
Luciana Balsamo, Raimondo Betti, and Homayoon Beigi,
``Damage Detection Using Large-Scale Covariance Matrix,''
Proceedings of the 32nd IMAC, A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, 2014, Ch. 10, vol. 5, pp. 89-98.
63. |
Homayoon Beigi
``Mobile Device Transaction Using Multi-Factor Authentication,''
SpeechTEK 2013,
August 19-21, 2013, New York City, U.S.A.
62. |
Luciana Balsamo, Raimondo Betti, and Homayoon Beigi,
``Structural Damage Detection Using Speaker Recognition Techniques,''
11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability (ICOSSAR 2013), June 16-20, 2013, Columbia University, New York City, U.S.A.
61. |
Homayoon Beigi
``Speaker Recognition in Distance Learning,''
SpeechTEK 2009,
August 24-26, 2009, New York City, U.S.A.
60. |
Homayoon Beigi
``Effects of Time Lapse on Speaker Recognition Results,''
16th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing,
July 5-7, 2009, Santorini, Greece.
59. |
Homayoon Beigi and Judith Markowitz
``A Standard Audio Encapsulation Method,''
W3C Workshop on Speaker Biometrics and VoiceXML 3.0,
March 5-6, 2009, Menlo Park, CA, USA.
58. |
Homayoon S.M. Beigi
``Challenges of Large-Scale Speaker Recognition,''
Keynote Speech at the COST275 Workshop on Biometrics on the
Internet, October 27-28, 2005, Herfordshire University,
Hatfield, United Kingdom.
57. |
Homayoon S.M. Beigi
``Aggressive Compression of the Dynamics of Handwriting and Signature Signals},''
IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMEDIA AND EXPO (ICME2004), Taipei, Taiwan, June 27-30, 2004, Vol. 2, pp. 1447-1450.
56. |
M. Viswanathan, F. Maali, A. Tritschler, and H. Beigi
``Multimedia Search for the Net.,''
Proc. SSGRR 2001, 2nd Intl. Conf. on Advances in Infrastructure
for E-Business, E-Science, and E-Education on the Internet,
L'Aquila, Italy, August 2001.
55. |
Mahesh Viswanathan, Homayoon S.M. Beigi and Fereydoun Maali,
``Information Access Using Speech, Speaker and Face Recognition ,''
2000 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME2000),
New York City, New York, USA, July 2000.
54. |
Mahesh Viswanathan, Homayoon S.M. Beigi, Alain Tritschler and
Fereydoun Maali,
``TranSegId: A System for Concurrent Speech Transcription,
Speaker Segmentation and Speaker Identification,''
WAC2000, Wailea, USA, June 11-16, 2000.
53. |
Mahesh Viswanathan, Homayoon S.M. Beigi, Alain Tritschler and
Fereydoun Maali,
``Multimedia Content Indexing and Retrieval Using Speech and
Speaker Recognition,''
Recherche d'Informations Assistee par Ordinateur,
RIAO2000, Paris, France, April 12-14, 2000.
52. |
Konstantin E. Avrachenkov, Homayoon S.M. Beigi, and Richard W.
``Operator-Updating Procedures for Quasi-Newton Iterative
Learning Control in Hilbert Space,''
Invited Paper, IEEE CDC'99, Phoenix, AZ,
December 3-7, 1999.
51. |
Mahesh Viswanathan, Homayoon S.M. Beigi, Satya Dharanipragada,
Alain Tritschler,
``Retrieval from Spoken Document using Content and Speaker
International Conference on Document Analysis and Retrieval,
ICDAR99, Bangalore, India, September 20-22, 1999, pp. 576-581.
50. |
Homayoon S.M. Beigi, Stephane H. Maes, Upendra V. Chaudhari,
and Jeffrey S. Sorensen ,
``A Hierarchical Approach to Large-Scale Speaker Recognition,''
EUROSPEECH'99, Budapest, Hungary, September 5-9, 1999, Vol. 5,
pp. 2203-2206.
49. |
Upendra V. Chaudhari, Homayoon S.M. Beigi, Stephane H. Maes,
and Jeffrey S. Sorensen,
``Multi-Environment Speaker Verification,''
AUTOID'99, New Jersey, 1999.
48. |
Homayoon S.M. Beigi and Stephane S. Maes,
``A Distance Measure Between Collections of Distributions and
its Application to Speaker Recognition,''
ICASSP'98, Seattle, Washington, May. 23-27, 1998.
47. |
Homayoon S.M. Beigi and Stephane S. Maes,
``Speaker, Channel and Environment Change Detection,''
Proceedings of the World Congress on Automation, Anchorage,
Alaska, May. 18-22, 1998.
46. |
Homayoon S. M. Beigi, Stephane H. Maes, Upendra V. Chaudhari,
and Jeffrey S. Sorensen,
``IBM Model-Based and Frame-By-Frame Speaker Recognition,''
Speaker Recognition and its Commercial and Forensic
Appications, Avignon, France, Apr. 20-23, 1998.
45. |
Stephane H. Maes and Homayoon S.M. Beigi,
``Open SESAME! Speech, Password or Key to Secure Your Door?''
, Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Hong Kong,
Jan. 8-11, 1998.
44. |
Homayoon S.M. Beigi
``Starting Up as an ISP,''
Keynote Speech at the Third Annual Workshop on Frontiers in
Distributed Information Systems (FDIS'97)
June 1-4, 1997, Aspen, Colorado.
43. |
Homayoon S.M. Beigi,
``Processing, Modeling and Parameter Estimation of the Dynamic
On-Line Handwriting Signal,''
Proceedings of the World Congress on Automation, Montpellier,
France, May. 27-30, 1996.
42. |
Homayoon S.M. Beigi,
``Pre-Processing the Dynamics of On-Line Handwriting,
Feature Extraction and Recognition,''
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Frontiers of
Handwriting Recognition, Colchester, England, Sep. 2-5, 1996,
pp. 255-258.
41. |
Homayoon S.M. Beigi, Krishna S. Nathan and Jayashree Subrahmonia,
``On-Line Unconstrained Handwriting Recognition
Based on Probabilistic Techniques,''
ICEE-95, Tehran, Iran, May 15-18, 1995.
40. |
Krishna S. Nathan, Homayoon S.M. Beigi, Gregory J. Clary,
Jayashree Subrahmonia and Hiroshi Maruyama,
``Real Time On-Line Unconstrained Handwriting Recognition using
Statistical Methods,''
ICASSP-95, Detroit, Michigan, May 8-12, 1995.
39. |
Homayoon S.M. Beigi, Krishna Nathan, Gregory J. Clary, and
Jayashree Subrahmonia,
``Challenges of Handwriting Recognition in Farsi, Arabic and
Other Languages with Similar Writing Styles -- An On-line
Digit Recognizer,''
Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on Technological
Advancements in Developing Countries, Columbia University,
New York, July 23-24, 1994.
38. |
Homayoon S.M. Beigi, Krishna Nathan, Gregory J. Clary, and
Jayashree Subrahmonia,
``Size Normalization in Online Unconstrained Handwriting
The IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Austin,
Texas, November 13-16, 1994, Vol. I, pp. 169-172.
37. |
Homayoon Beigi,
``Neural Network Learning Through Optimally Conditioned
Quadratically Convergent Methods Requiring NO LINE SEARCH,''
IEEE-36th Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Detroit, Michigan,
August 16-18, 1993.
36. |
Homayoon S.M. Beigi,
``An Overview of Handwriting Recognition,''
Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference on Technological
Advancements in Developing Countries, Columbia University,
New York, July 24-25, 1993, pp. 30-46.
35. |
Homayoon S.M. Beigi,
``Automation in Manufacturing,''
Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference on Technological
Advancements in Developing Countries, Columbia University,
New York, July 24-25, 1993, pp. 85-92.
34. |
Tetsu Fujisaki, Krishna Nathan, Wongyu Cho and Homayoon Beigi,
``On-line Unconstrained Handwriting Recognition by
Probabilistic Methods,''
The 3rd International Workshop on Frontiers of Handwriting
Recognition, Buffalo, New York, May 25-27, 1993.
33. |
Homayoon S. M. Beigi, T. Fujisaki, W. Modlin, and K. Wenstrup,
``A Post-Processing Error-Correction Scheme Using a Dictionary
for On-Line Boxed and Runon Handwriting Recognition,''
Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Toronto, Canada, Sep. 13-16, 1992, Vol. II,
pp. TM10.5.1-4.
32. |
Homayoon S. M. Beigi,
``Character Prediction for On-line Handwriting Recognition,''
Proc. of Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Toronto, Canada, Sep. 13-16, 1992, Vol. II,
pp. TM10.3.1-4.
31. |
Homayoon S. M. Beigi and T. Fujisaki,
``A Character Level Predictive Language Model and Its
Application to Handwriting Recognition,''
Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on Electrical and
Computer Engineering, Toronto, Canada, Sep. 13-16, 1992, Vol. I,
pp. WA1.27.1-4.
30. |
Homayoon S. M. Beigi and T. Fujisaki,
``A Flexible Template Language Model and its Application to
Handwriting Recognition,''
Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Toronto, Canada, Sep. 13-16, 1992, Vol. I,
pp. WA1.28.1-4.
29. |
Homayoon S. M. Beigi,
``An Adaptive Control Scheme Using the Generalized Secant
Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on Electrical and
Computer Engineering, Toronto, Canada, Sep. 13-16, 1992,
Vol. II, pp. TA7.21.1-4.
28. |
Homayoon S. M. Beigi,
``A Parallel Network Implementation of The Generalized Secant
Learning-Adaptive Controller,''
Proc. of Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Toronto, Canada, Sep. 13-16, 1992, Vol. II,
pp. MM10.1.1-4.
27. |
Homayoon S.M. Beigi, C. James Li and R.W. Longman,
``Learning Control Based on Generalized Secant Methods and
Other Numerical Optimization Methods,''
Sensors, Controls, and Quality Issues in Manufacturing,
ASME:Atlanta, PED-Vol.55, pp. 163-175, December 1991.
26. |
Homayoon S.M. Beigi and C. James Li,
``Learning Algorithms for Neural Networks Based on
Quasi-Newton Methods with Self-Scaling,''
Intelligent Control Systems, Dynamic Systems and Control
Vol. 23, the ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX,
Nov. 25-30, 1990, pp. 23-28.
25. |
C. James Li, Homayoon S.M. Beigi, Shengyi Li, and Jiancheng Liang,
``A Self-tuning Regulator with Learning Parameter Estimation,''
Robotics Research, Dynamic Systems and Control Vol. 26,
The ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX, Nov. 25-30,
1990, pp. 1-6.
24. |
Homayoon S.M. Beigi and C. James Li,
``New Neural Network Learning Based on Gradient-Free
Optimization Methods,''
Recipient of IEEE Best Paper Award,
The IEEE 1990 Long Island Student Conference on Neural Networks,
Old Westbury, NY, April 21, 1990, pp. 9-12.
23. |
Homayoon S.M. Beigi and C. James Li,
``Neural Network Learning Based on Quasi-Newton Methods with
Initial Scaling of Inverse Hessian Approximate,''
Recipient of IEEE Best Paper Award,
The IEEE 1990 Long Island Student Conference on Neural Networks,
Old Westbury, NY, April 21, 1990, pp. 49-52.
22. |
Homayoon S.M. Beigi and C. James Li,
``A New Set of Learning Algorithms for Neural Networks,''
Proc. of the ISMM International Symposium, Computer
Applications in Design, Simulation and Analysis, New Orleans,
LA, March 5-7, 1990, pp. 277-280.
21. |
R. W. Longman, Homayoon S.M. Beigi, C. James Li,
``Learning Control by Numerical Optimization Methods,''
Proceedings of the Modeling and Simulation Conference, Control,
Robotics, Systems and Neural Networks, Pittsburgh, PA, Vol. 20,
May 1989, pp. 1877-1882.